- Build project
- Execute project
- Generate code coverage
- Generate html report with code coverage
Some module tests can be written by hand and assertion can write output to the console.
In the toolchain program output will be captured to a file so that all of the tests results can be viewed after execution.
Source code for eclipse C++ project can be downloaded from GitHub.
Batch file for building:
REM ************************************ REM * date: 22.07.2014 REM * autor: Filip Ryborz REM * website: simply-embedded.blogspot.com REM * REM * Script for build automation : REM * 1. Compilation and linking using GNU GCC compiler REM * 2. Generation of code coverage files with GCOV REM * 3. Demangling files using C++filt REM * 4. Generation of HTML coverage reports using LCOV REM * REM * Prerequisites: REM * g++, gcov, c++filt in PATH or add paths! REM * Perl and association of files with .Perl extension REM * Problems when associating using Windows dialogs! Instead use command line! REM * command: assoc .perl=Perl.File REM * command: ftype Perl.File=C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "%1" %* REM ************************************ REM change directory to build.bat directory and create folders needed for output data cd %~dp0 md HTML md Debug md Debug\Drivers md Debug\Logic md Debug\info md Debug\info\built md Debug\info\built\Drivers md Debug\info\built\Logic md Debug\info\gcov md Debug\info\gcov\Drivers md Debug\info\gcov\Logic REM compile source code cd %~dp0\Drivers for /R "%~dp0\Drivers" %%f in (*.cpp) do g++ -I../Drivers -I../Logic -O0 -g3 -p -pg -Wall -c -fpermissive -fmessage-length=0 -coverage -fno-access-control -o ../Debug/Drivers/%%~nf.o %%~nf.cpp 2> "%~dp0\Debug\info\built\Drivers\%%~nf.log" cd %~dp0\Logic for /R "%~dp0\Logic" %%f in (*.cpp) do g++ -I../Drivers -I../Logic -O0 -g3 -p -pg -Wall -c -fpermissive -fmessage-length=0 -coverage -fno-access-control -o ../Debug/Logic/%%~nf.o %%~nf.cpp 2> "%~dp0\Debug\info\built\Logic\%%~nf.log" REM link files cd %~dp0\Debug g++ -coverage -g -p -pg -o CodeCoverage.exe Drivers/serialPort.o Logic/interfaceHandler.o Logic/main.o 2> "%~dp0\Debug\info\built\CodeCoverage.log" REM execute program cd %~dp0\Debug %~dp0\Debug\CodeCoverage.exe > %~dp0\Debug\info\CodeCoverage.log REM copying of source files needed for GCOV copy %~dp0\Drivers\*.* %~dp0\Debug\Drivers copy %~dp0\Logic\*.* %~dp0\Debug\Logic REM demangle files and store copies - not needed, only an option to have the GCOV files cd %~dp0\Debug\Drivers for %%f in (%~dp0\Debug\Drivers\*.gcno) do ( gcov -f -b "%%~nf.gcno" | C++filt -n > "%~dp0\Debug\info\gcov\Drivers\%%~nf.log" c++filt -n < %%~nf.cpp.gcov > %%~nf.cpp.gcov1 c++filt -n < %%~nf.hpp.gcov > %%~nf.hpp.gcov1 ) REM demangle files and store copies - not needed, only an option to have the GCOV files cd %~dp0\Debug\Logic for %%f in (%~dp0\Debug\Logic\*.gcno) do ( gcov -f -b "%%~nf.gcno" | C++filt -n > "%~dp0\Debug\info\gcov\Logic\%%~nf.log" c++filt -n < %%~nf.cpp.gcov > %%~nf.cpp.gcov1 c++filt -n < %%~nf.hpp.gcov > %%~nf.hpp.gcov1 ) REM remove original GCOV files cd %~dp0\Debug\Drivers del *.cpp.gcov del *.hpp.gcov cd %~dp0\Debug\Logic del *.cpp.gcov del *.h.gcov cd %~dp0\Debug del *.cpp.gcov del *.hpp.gcov REM launch LCOV and GENHTML to get HTML coverage report cd %~dp0 C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe lcov.perl --capture --directory Debug --output-file debug/coverage.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 C:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe genhtml.perl --output HTML debug/coverage.info --demangle-cpp --prefix %~dp0 --function-coverage --branch-coverage --show-details
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